Ο Συντονιστής, Νίκος Τσάμης

by Automon

Books & Reference


The CoordinatorNick TSAMISPrinted edition ISBN: 978-618-80051-1-22013Publisher Nicolas Tsamis http://www.automon.gr/2014/09/TsamhsNikos-OSuntonisths.html How "coincidence" may be an unexpected event; What lies behind the "accidental" meeting two hitherto unknown people, and Danae Alexander, a shopping center on the northern outskirts of Athens? What happens when people living normal lives called n cope with situations even alter reality itself? A priest shaman who lives in the seventh AD century purveyor of a mission entrusted to them many centuries before his birth, triggers a series of chain events that culminate in the current era, involving people and situations, without any warning. From Athens to Paris and from New York to "unknown" heroes discover the book in a short period of time that fate and destiny are minimal. Obtaining forces who ignore the laws of nature and targets that are beyond human logic, driven without option to situations beyond your imagination ... ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Nick was born and educated in Athens. She works as a freelance analyst programmer, while dealing with the writing of novels. His first novel, "The Hook" was issued in May 2011 at the end of the same year was awarded the protagon.gr as "Novel of the Year 2011". The procedure followed is completely autonomous and books issued to date, the contract until the creation of the covers, the layout and promote them to the readers, are entirely his own work. The editing all done by professional curators but also by a group of readers who loved books and participate in volunteer efforts. The books of Nikos Tsami is available in printed form at www.ntsamis.com and distributed to all the bookstores Christakis SA His writings to date: 2011 - The Hook (The Hook Part A)2012 - Buddy (The Hook Part II)2013 - Coordinator2014 - Give Or Die Incorporation Document Application Android:Alcmene [email protected]  Application Development Android:Anthony Panorashttp://www.automon.gr Publisher Nicolas Tsamis:Mob .: + 30-6944-472-111Tel .: + 30-210-981-2546vMail: + 30-211-770-3636Fax: + [email protected]://www.ntsamis.com Distributed freely-licensed Creative Commons:Report Creator - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works - 3.0 Greecehttp://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/gr/  ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://[email protected]://www.facebook.com/Automonhttp://www.facebook.com/AutomonAndroidhttps://plus.google.com/+AntonisPanorishttps://plus.google.com/+AutomonGr Android Apps by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-apps Android Books by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-books Android Games by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-games Android YouTubers by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-youtubers